Outreach & Social Concerns

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31)

The Greatest commandment

The biblical mandate is clear, the Church is to love God and love our neighbours (Mk 12:30-21). By reaching out unconditionally, it is not simply an act of charity but an extension of God's self-identification with the marginalized (Matt 25:35-40) and an act of love (Jn 13:35).

As such, the Outreach and Social Concerns committee here in AMC seeks to help make real in the lives of others the presence and love of Jesus Christ, rally the church to take action to help and bless others and to develop a Christian response to social issues in the local community.

Hi Thank you for visiting our webpage. I am the current Chairperson for Outreach and Social Concerns. I have been worshipping in AMC since 1988. I have been passionate about social causes for many years, volunteering in outreach to the underprivileged, raising funds for the needy and the vulnerable. I felt the call to serve in O&SC sometime in 2020, when the nation went into the pandemic, where lives and livelihoods were affected. The call became apparent when I saw how God moves the Church to convert its worship ground into a shelter for the homeless during the Circuit Breaker. I was moved by the Holy Spirit to step up when Tat Chuen spoke to me.

Hi, I am Vincent Lim!

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